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Oasis to hold big sale ahead of closure

Before closing its brick-and-mortar store, Oasis Books will be holding a 75 percent off sale for all its merchandise beginning Nov. 1. The Gloucester Main Street bookstore has been in that location for 11 years.

Kip and Odette Mortenson will continue to sell books online, but they are ready to close their in-person store. The couple was already reducing inventory that was not selling well before the COVID-19 pandemic began. They were able to clear out thousands of books that proved not to be profitable.

The Mortensons also have only had Oasis open seasonally for most of spring, summer and the holiday season, but closed for the rest of the year.The couple has a lot of books to sell for their closing. These include books on biology, the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, Virginia history, Western Americana, poetry, nature, field guides, art, gardening and much more.

“We have a lot of sub-genre subjects,” said Kip.

Kip and Odette are looking forward to traveling some after the...

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