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Northern Neck to celebrate Garden Week Wednesday

The Garden Club of Northern Neck will hold its Garden Week activities on Wednesday, April 24 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

With 1,100 miles of tidal shoreline that supports a vibrant seafood industry and surrounds productive farmland, the Northern Neck has been known for food and hospitality since colonial times.

Nowhere is that tradition better expressed than in Westmoreland County’s homes and gardens—set amid small towns and pastoral landscapes that honor the region’s rural culture and history as the “mother” of three of the country’s first presidents.

The tour includes riverfront cabins on the Potomac River, a restored colonial home and two other properties in the village known as The Hague. Discover the reason the Northern Neck is designated a National Heritage Area.

The tour chairs are Becky Latané and Margaret Withers. The tour headquarters and check-in area is at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, located at 7808 Cople Highway in Hague. Here, wristbands will be issued to all t...

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