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NN Sail and Power Squadron announces events

The Northern Neck Sail and Power Squadron has announced the following upcoming events.

Piloting course starts June 29 and continues weekly for eight weeks, at 453C N. Main Street, Kilmarnock. Cost is $85 for the general public, $65 for members. To sign up, call Mack McKinney at 804-480-4068.

Aquapalooza, a raft-up on Myer Creek open to all boaters, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, July 8. Soft drinks and food will be available at the nearby marina.

Electronic Navigation Course, starts July 18, covers eight weeks and ends Sept. 5, meeting from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 453C N. Main Street, Kilmarnock. Cost is $85 for the general public, $65 for members. To sign up, contact Mack McKinney at 804-480-4068.

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