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New Year’s medley

Two more images of Christmas, and its on to 2024. We are grateful that our readers continue to keep this corner of the Gazette-Journal well-stocked. Please send your photos to

JJ Orth of Gloucester captured this sunset last week while sitting in his kayak at Warehouse Landing on the Ware River. He termed the display hypnotic, and said, “I have watched sunsets and sunrises around the world and this one makes it to the top of my list!”

Raymond Burris of Hayes has a beautiful miniature orchid in full bloom.

Cheryl Battle of Bavon said, “Thank goodness for orchids during the winter time.”

Coco the Pomeranian sported holiday headwear for his human, Ginger Rowe of Gloucester.

Susan Crockett of Gloucester has been collecting Gloucester County commemorative ornaments for years and displays them on a wreath in her home.

Vanessa West photographed a hornet’s nest seen high in a tree in the Hayes area.


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