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New post home dedicated in Gloucester

After nearly a decade of planning and diligent work, American Legion Post 75, Gloucester, officially opened and dedicated its new building during a special ceremony Saturday morning. The dedication couldn’t have come at a more special time, as the post home celebrated its 75th anniversary on Wednesday.
The new post home, which is located near its former location off Route 17 south of Gloucester Court House, is larger and includes an outdoor pavilion, which provides flexibility for events and programs.
“This is really neat to be able to get the building open so close to our birthday,” said Rick Ward, who serves as Post 75 adjutant as well as American Legion Department of Virginia Third District Commander. He said partnering with Zandler Development Company, LLC, to make the new post home a reality has been “really great.”
According to Ward, another special highlight to the day was when a number of senior members of the Gloucester High School NJROTC showed u...

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