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New gazebos donated to Sanders

Two new gazebos have been donated to Sanders Assisted Living, Gloucester, so residents can enjoy the facility’s wild bird sanctuary during the summer months.

For the past year, Sanders has been worked with Wild Birds Unlimited of Yorktown to turn the courtyard area into a nationally-recognized wild bird sanctuary.

To make sure that the sanctuary is consistently attracting birds, Wild Birds Unlimited has been visiting Sanders monthly. The organization teaches classes on the types of birds that are in the Gloucester area, and also teaches Sanders residents and team members which types of food and habitats are necessary to sustain the sanctuary.

The residents have not been able to truly enjoy the sanctuary during the summer months due to the heat, a release said. Residents had very little shade in the courtyard, making it difficult for them to be outside.

The Riverside Foundation stepped in to supply two gazebos with rattan furniture seating areas for the residents. The gazeb...

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