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New county emergency radio system installed

Mathews County Sheriff Mark Barrick reported to the board of supervisors during its January board meeting that the new radio system being installed for the county’s emergency services is nearly complete and should be up and running this week.
Gately Communications has completed installation of repeaters for the system on three towers, one at the sheriff’s office in downtown Mathews, one at Cobbs Creek, and one at Susan, said Barrick. In addition, consoles and equipment have been installed in the dispatch office. Test of a portable radio taken to the far reaches of the county last week was successful, he said, and mobile radios were slated for installation yesterday.
The new system provides digital radio communications for the sheriff’s office, the fire department, and the rescue squad. Funding for the sheriff’s office was provided by a $169,000 grant from the Virginia Attorney General’s asset forfeiture fund, while the county appropriated $120,000 for equi...

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