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Navigation seminar offered in Hudgins

Mathews Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 66 will conduct a one-day marine navigation seminar from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 28, at the Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad, Cricket Hill Road, Hudgins.

“Navigating the Chesapeake” teaches traditional charting methods of navigation using a paper chart and plotting tools to determine where the boater is on the water at any given time. Students will learn how to find depth of the water, latitude and longitude position, and buoy locations on a chart. Guest speaker Kevin Fay of Hartfield Marine Electronics will explain the use and applications of electronics in marine navigation used today.

The cost is $45 per student. Students should bring their own plotting tools and a current Chesapeake Bay Nautical “Wolf Trap to Smith Point” Chart #12225. For more information and registration, call Flotilla 66 Public Education Officer Ted Broderson at 804-725-4088. Space is limited.

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the volunt...

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