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National Night Out

Members of the Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office met with residents in several neighborhoods on Aug. 1 during National Night Out to promote police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer. Three of the neighborhoods the GCSO deputies visited were Carters Cove, Healy Avenue and Lafayette Heights. Sheriff Darrell Warren spoke to members of the Carters Cove community about Flock camera systems that can capture and identify the details of vehicles that pass by. The cameras use automated license plate reader technology and can alert police if a stolen car passes a camera or search for a vehicle description if it is in a national crime database. Among those at Carters Cove were, from left, Gary Cook, Mike Gray, Deputy Levi Walker, HOA president Randy Burak, Kristy Burak, Meg LeClair and, in front, Amanda Burak.

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