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Mood Snack Shop opens in White Marsh

Dina Burney and Faizal Surti of Richmond, recently opened up a new local shop called Mood Exotic Snack Shop. The shop is located in the White Marsh Shopping Center and provides customers with whatever they are in the mood for.

Burney is the primary owner of the shop and this is the first business that she has opened. She was born in Richmond, while her husband, Christopher, was born and raised in Gloucester. The couple owns a property in Guinea.

“We like to say that Gloucester is our hometown,” said Burney.

Mood Exotic Snack Shop is a place that gives you that comfort, southern feeling that has a lot of variety, said Burney. Customers can buy snacks that are either from a different county, culture or are just difficult to find in other stores.

“Our specialty is getting those impossible-to-find snacks right in your hometown, whether it’s a cool drink you heard of or some delicious chocolate you have never gotten to try. Mood Exotic is the place. We also have gourmet and hea...

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