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Middle school plans still being developed in Gloucester

Officials with Gloucester County Public Schools are still developing plans to provide education services in the 2011-2012 school year for the 580 students displaced from Page Middle School when that facility was 40 percent demolished by a tornado on April 16. In the meantime, damage assessment efforts are ongoing at the Page site.

Page students are currently sharing Peasley Middle School with Peasley’s 720 students. The Peasley students attend school on the campus in the morning and the Page students in the afternoon until 6:30 p.m. The split schedule plan returned the displaced middle school students to their studies just three days after the tornado struck, but has created a hardship for some parents.

Last week, Gloucester School Board members approved Superintendent Ben Kiser’s plan to move all of the Page and Peasley eighth graders to the Gloucester High School campus for the upcoming school year. All six and seventh graders will remain at Peasley and resume a sch...

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