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MHS tennis heads into regional play

The Mathews High School girls’ tennis team posted a win last Wednesday against Northampton, and fell to the Middlesex Chargers the following day.
Heading into post-season play, the Lady Devils’ top seeded singles player, Connie Johnson, was the #1 seed in the Region 1A singles tournament; Johnson and Kylie Berry entered the regional tournament as the number-one ranked doubles team. Mathews High School was scheduled to host the regional tournament; the singles semifinals and finals were set to be held yesterday, and the doubles tournament is scheduled for today.
Northampton only had three players causing the team to forfeit number four singles and number two doubles giving Mathews an automatic two wins. In #1 singles, Johnson defeated Chloe Doughty of Northampton with a match score of 8-0. Playing as number two for Mathews was Faith Lewis who also captured her first win of the season against Adreona Amicucci with a match score of 8-2. Taylor Wood playing as number three sing...

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