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Meeting next week on Machicomoco

The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation is preparing a master plan for Machicomoco State Park, Hayes, and the neighboring Middle Peninsula unit in Gloucester, with a public information meeting to be held next week.

The meeting will be held from 6-8 p.m. next Thursday, Dec. 14 at the T.C. Walker Education Center Auditorium, 6099 T.C. Walker Road, Gloucester.

There will be a virtual option available and interested members of the public can register here or by visiting the master plan website at

The purpose of a master plan is to guide the management and development of the park by identifying natural, cultural and physical resources as well as identifying park needs and engaging with the public.

Supporting the recreational needs of the community requires the community’s input. Attendees will have the opportunity to give feedback during a portion of the meeting.

Machicomoco State Park is located along...

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