On the same night that the Mathews School Board moved ahead with its proposed budget that includes plans for the eventual consolidation of the county’s elementary and middle schools, the board heard an impassioned plea to reconsider moving ahead with consolidation and any accompanying staff reductions, at least until the dust has settled over the pandemic.
Joy Drummond, an early childhood special education teacher at the county’s elementary school, asked the board to hold off on moving ahead with this change.
Speaking on behalf of about 20 teachers attending Tuesday’s meeting in the Mathews High School auditorium, she asked board members “Why make this big change in the middle of a pandemic?”
The group of teachers, all wearing orange and black “Tiger Strong” T-shirts, stood in unison as Drummond delivered her comments.
“They are standing behind me to show their support for the words I have for you tonight,” she said. “The thoughts and opinions I express belong to all of us, not just my...
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