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Mathews supervisor candidates address comprehensive planning

Two recent forums in Mathews County gave voters a chance to hear the views of candidates running for the board of supervisors—one last Thursday before the Gwynn’s Island Civic League, and a second on Monday night at a gathering at Mathews Memorial Library sponsored by the Middle Peninsula League of Voters.

The incumbents for the three supervisor positions—Charles Ingram, Janine Burns, and Edwina Casey—made statements suggesting they are running on their record of accomplishments and their responsible management of the budget during a tough economy, while the three Republican contenders—Haskins Ramos, Ruth Litschewski and Patrick Beattie—indicated that they believe in limited government and said they would bring fiscal accountability and transparency to the board.

Ingram was absent from last Thursday’s forum, and Casey missed Monday’s meeting.

The incumbents stood behind their recent adoption of the updated comprehensive plan and ...

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