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Mathews planners decline to make recommendation on zoning change

The Mathews County Planning Commission met Tuesday night in the historic courthouse to discuss proposed changes to the county’s zoning ordinance governing inoperable vehicles, with planners ultimately declining to make a recommendation to the board of supervisors.
Under present zoning, an inoperable vehicle being repaired at a permitted repair business may be kept at such property for no more than 60 continuous days, or the vehicle being repaired must be kept within a fully enclosed building or structure.
Planning and Zoning staff presented the planners and supervisors at a joint meeting in February with three potential options to change the text amendment. The first option would allow auto repair businesses to extend inoperable vehicle stays to 180 continuous days; the second option would cap the number of inoperable vehicles on the property to 15, with no time limit for length of stay; and the third option would do away with restrictions on the length of stay of inoperable vehicles f...

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