Mathews County has issued a request for proposals for businesses that are interested in working on hazard mitigation construction projects in the county.
Architects, engineers, surveyors, real estate closing and title services, and businesses in the structural, electrical and mechanical building trades are encouraged to submit information about their businesses in order to be considered for a contract to elevate one or more homes under the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.
The county has received $890,000 to elevate eight homes, a number of which are in Mobjack Bay Estates, and to acquire one home, said Mathews Planning and Zoning Director John Shaw.
Funds for the project have been awarded for an application that was filed in 2010 following two storm events in 2009—a northeaster and Tropical Storm Ida.
For more information, call Shaw at 725-4034 or visit
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