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Mathews broadband committee approved

Broadband development in Mathews County got a big boost Tuesday night when the board of supervisors unanimously adopted two resolutions of support during their monthly meeting.
One resolution unequivocally expresses the board’s intent to make sure that “all places within Mathews County, regardless of location, shall have access to quality broadband services at an affordable price, at speeds of no less than 20 mbps download and 10 mbps upload no later than Dec. 31, 2022.” It further resolves that residents will have “significantly greater speeds and technologies empowering the latest in internet and cell service access by Dec. 31, 2025.”
In order to begin the process of developing such access, the board adopted a second resolution to appoint a local broadband advisory board whose goal would be to “obtain reliable high-speed affordable access to universal broadband in the county for all Mathews County residents, students, emergency services, businesses...

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