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Market Days draws an estimated 10,000-12,000 crowd both days

Despite threatening weather conditions on and off throughout the day on Saturday, Mathews Market Days drew an estimated 10,000 to 12,000 people both Friday and Saturday, according to festival committee chairman Dee Russell.

“Overall, considering the weather, it went very well,” Russell said. “The vendors seemed very happy.”

This year, the new and improved children’s area was a huge hit. “That drew more comments than anything,” she said. This year’s children’s activities were located on the opposite side of Main Street from the center of Market Days and included more activities and a larger layout.

Russell said the only thing that had to be cancelled was Saturday night’s street dance and the band that was to play. “Unfortunately, as a committee, we often have hard decisions to make,” she said. “It was tumultuous weather all day and then it poured, so we felt it was in the best interest of the public to canc...

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