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Main Street project hindering some Gloucester businesses

A new temporary traffic pattern—and signs erected in conjunction with it near Gloucester Court House—are hindering some local businesses, a check of Main Street merchants Tuesday indicated.

The new traffic plan is necessary so that the fifth phase of the Main Street Enhancement Project can be completed, which will include a number of sidewalk and utility improvements from the court circle to Justice Drive.

The temporary traffic pattern has northbound traffic (toward Riverside Walter Reed Hospital) traveling around court circle to the left, using the lane where southbound cars and trucks would travel. Meanwhile, southbound traffic heading into the village must follow a detour of several blocks to get from Cary Street to Martin Street near the Morgan Building.

"It’s definitely hurting business," said Karen Arey, who owns Wisteria Lane Antiques & Collectibles. She said that fewer customers have been stopping in since the detour was set up the middle...

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