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Made in Mathews Open Studio Tour returns Friday

The 2022 Made in Mathews Open Studio Tour held a kickoff event Sunday afternoon, with a reception at the Bay School Community Arts Center for participants in the Tour Student Art Contest.

Sixty Mathews High School and Thomas Hunter Middle School students submitted works for the contest, said a press release.

“I’m so proud of our student artists,” art contest founder Tammy Rollins said. “Their careful consideration of the theme ‘Treasure’ and their ability to express it in a personal way was remarkable. The future of the arts in Mathews is very bright.”

More than 100 students, along with families and friends, attended the reception. High school winners were: Shay Conrow, first place; Kristin Blake, second place; and Emily Thiel-Goin, third place. Middle school winners were: Cabell Chase, first place; Mia Marrero, second place; and Ellis Chase, third place. Winners received $100 (first place), $75 (second place) and $50 (third place).

Art teachers whose students participated...

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