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Machicomoco State Park announces August programming

Machicomoco State Park in Hayes has a number of programs for park-goers of all ages next month.

“WEE” READ AT THE PARK: Younger park guests from ages two to eight years can enjoy reading with a park ranger, share stories and learn about nature. Pre-registration is recommended by calling or visiting the park office. Parents will be asked to stay with their kids. The event will be held on Aug. 1, 15 and 29 at 9 a.m. at the Interpretive Area.

NATURE JOURNALING MAKERSPACE: Park goers can participate in creating a six-page nature journal of sketches and watercolors after taking close looks at the natural and historic objects. This program is recommended for individuals eight years and up and with take place on Aug. 11 at 10 a.m. and 19 at 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is recommended.

CATLETT ISLANDS KAYAK TOURS: Participants will be park ranger led on a kayak tour to explore the diverse wildlife, ecosystems and history of the park. Pre-registration and a $15 signup fee are required f...

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