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Local news from 1908 and beyond

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Oct. 1, 1908from the Mathews Journal

For Sale; A good road and work mare. Safe for ladies and children. Price $125. Apply to Dr. Hoskins or at “Spring Hill.”

Miss Eva Wright, of Caroline county, will teach the Clifton school, formerly taught by Miss Lizzie Wright, and will be with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Hudgins of Hudgins, this winter.

110 YEARS AGOThursday, Oct. 2, 1913from the Mathews Journal

The graded and single room schools of the county will open on next Monday.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, Oct. 4, 1923from the Gloucester Gazette

In returning to his home near Belroi Thursday night, Mr. William Shepherd suffered the loss of a buggy wheel through the recklessness of some unidentified person driving a Ford car. Mr. Shepherd turned out to the extreme edge of the road in the effort to avoid a collision, but the automobilist, he says, made no effort to turn out, and smashed the front wheel of his buggy. He did not stop and, in the darkness, Shepherd w...

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