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Local history talks at Edge Hill House

The Gloucester Woman’s Club will be hosting talks of local historic and community interest at 7 p.m. on the following Wednesday evenings—July 12, 19 and 26—at historic Edge Hill House, 6805 Main Street, Gloucester. Topics and speakers are as follows:

July 12: Gloucester Underground. Archeology projects with attention to local discoveries by a Fairfield Foundation archeologist.

July 19: Gloucester Court House Village History. Trends, influences and changes in our town by a well-known local historian and author.

July 26: Visionary Accomplishments. Creation, history and growth of Gloucester’s first Black schools by the president of the Woodville Rosenwald School Foundation.

Each 35-40-minute talk will be followed by a brief question-and-answer period along with ice cream and cookies.

The talks are free to the public; however, seating is limited so those planning on attending are asked to RSVP to Provide your name, date(s), and number of guests if you...

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