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Local churches preach healing in wake of Charlottesville

After hearing the news on Saturday of the violence that erupted in Charlottesville, many residents sought peace and comfort in places of worship the next morning.
A number of local pastors tailored their Sunday morning messages to bringing a sense of peace and hope to parishioners through messages of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Rev. Sven vanBaars, rector of Abingdon Episcopal Church, White Marsh, said the Gospel lesson on Sunday at his church recounted how Jesus walked across the water amid a storm. “Matthew tells us that Peter stepped out of the boat into the chaos of the storm and into the safety of God,” Mr. vanBaars said. “The sermon on Sunday called parishioners to step out of their boat of perceived safety and into the chaos that God has control over.”
He said he shared elements of a conversation he was part of with black and white pastors on what needs to be done in Gloucester to overcome racial barriers in the county. “Our response to hatred an...

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