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Library kicks off campaign for building expansion

The Expansion Open House Celebration held Saturday in the H. Bland Hudgins Wing of Mathews Memorial Library was a festive beginning to the public campaign to raise construction funds for the new addition.

Maree Morgan, president of the Friends of the Mathews Memorial Library, said the event was well-attended, with at least 150 people dropping by during the two-hour celebration.

"It was absolutely fantastic," she said.

Young children, teenagers and adults attended the festivities, which offered a variety of exhibits, music by the band Now and Then, refreshments and drawings for a range of prizes, from restaurant gift certificates to flower arrangements to the grand prize, a Kindle e-reader.

Morgan said participation by the youthful band members and the generosity of downtown merchants who donated prizes made the day special.

Library director Bette Dillehay had a slide show of library activities and programs on continuous display, Jack Ward of the Friends had memorial patio b...

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