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Letter: WWII vet hurt by Gloucester’s high taxes

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I retired to Gloucester 30 years ago, when it was the land worth living in. Lust, greed for power and self-gratification destroyed that. No one from my family has ever attended a county school. I maintain my own trash collection, septic system and water well. The sheriff has never had to come to my door. What am I paying for?

When someone takes another’s personal property or money by force and gives nothing in return, that is stealing. I am 89 years old and a veteran of World War II. I flew a B-24 in 35 bombing raids over Europe. During a raid over Misburg, Germany, we received severe damage from flak and German fighter planes. Due to the loss of two engines, we were unable to return to our base. We crash landed in France and were saved by the Free French Army and returned to behind American lines. I was injured by flak and the crash landing. I wear hearing aids.

For more than 40 years, I have been receiving treatment for a nerve injury. I had bac...

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