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Letter: Writer doesn’t get climate change

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The writer of the comment regarding climate change in the May 2 paper (“Denying climate change,” Readers Write), I am sure, is well meaning and sincerely believes in this. However, he provided no evidence to support his claim other than it is a highly popular view. But factually, I just don’t get it as I explain following:
1. Greenland is full of ice. However, its name indicate that it once was green, and based on historical documents it was such in around 1000 AD and populated by Vikings. There was no machinery and a much smaller population. The climate changed, but not by people. 
2. In 2010 Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia’s Attorney General, through the Freedom of Information Act, requested information regarding research by Michael Mann, UVA Assistant Professor, related to climate change. There were emails by Mann with other scientists that appeared to indicate that these scientists were manipulating data to support global warming. UVA ...

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