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Letter: Working for a cleaner Gloucester County

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Clean Gloucester Day was a good beginning, but there is more help needed to get Gloucester clean and ready for the 30th annual Daffodil Festival on April 2-3 and the 37th annual Virginia Watercolor Society Exhibition in May.

Gloucester needs every citizen and every business to steward their personal and business property, road frontage and waterfront to help get all litter contained.

If you find unusually heavy or odd litter items along county roads in your area, contact VDOT for a pick-up at 800-367-7623. It would be helpful if you could report your litter clean-up totals to Clean Community office at 693-5370 where you may also check out clean-up supplies and pick up VDOT litter bags. Go ahead and get started doing your part to show your citizenship!

A big thank you and hats off to Deputy Bailey, Good Life Kitchen, Rachel’s Smoothies, Chick-fil-A, Blair Farinholt, David Clements and all of you who came out in support of Gloucester Clean Community Com...

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