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Letter: Words have consequences

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I’m a ninth-generation Virginian, born into a third-generation Republican family, am an actual Conservative (a modernized version of Edmund Burke’s philosophy), have voted for Rob Wittman four or five times—and a Democrat, never, in over a half century of votes.
But I will never vote for Rob Wittman again, nor for any of his Republican colleagues in the Virginia Congressional delegation should they ever run for state office—who all last Wednesday disgraced themselves by voting, without fact or cause, to disenfranchise 20 million voters in Pennsylvania and Arizona.
They did this knowing the vote would fail, that there were no facts to support their assertions, that they were participating in a sham, that they were deceiving their constituents. And they did this mere hours after and despite the fact that they and the bedrock institutions of the American Republic—the Congress and the Constitution of the United States—were assaulted by a crazed mob who he and other...

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