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Letter: Winebarger for Gloucester Board of Supervisors

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I have personally known Mike Winebarger for several years. Mike is honest and has a proven track record. If Mike doesn’t get reelected, it will be a debilitating and devastating loss to our community.
I am a business owner, I don’t hire someone just to train him for 8+ years and then fire him just to get another guy, who is a newbie to the ways of the community and the board of supervisors. Mike Winebarger has proven his worth, dedication to the residents he serves and has experience, electing someone new with no experience just to have fresh blood and start all over from scratch doesn’t make sense.
One of the main reasons why I moved to Gloucester is the rural charm. Mike has been very instrumental and fought hard on keeping the rural character of Gloucester, all the while promoting the best for us from first responders, to schools, to businesses, to each and every resident’s rights and well-being, and more. I have personally witnessed Mike’s interaction with ...

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