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Letter: Will all moral values be tossed?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

The tax called the Affordable Care Act has never been nor will be affordable, unless you believe that demanding more and more tax dollars to support those who made bad choices, and expect others to bail them out, is acceptable. Charity is what God has called each person to honor by giving to those in need, but charity is also a word for love, and government does not fit this word … in fact, they can’t, because what they give to others isn’t theirs to give, but someone else’s money.

This tax is just socialism and has no place in our laws. The assault against marriage is also wrong. Marriage was created and defined by God for a man and a woman. This illegal interference has been done for one reason, political with the goal of greater power, and is like a virus spreading a false definition of equality. It also removes power that rightly belongs to the state.

At this point, I wonder what the next false definition will be. Will all moral ...

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