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Letter: Why does VDOT operate the way it does?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Congratulations on your editorial questioning VDOT’s (lack of) reasoning and common sense in scheduling the re-paving projects in Mathews County ("Poor Planning," Aug. 1 issue). Remember last summer when they closed two of the three James River/Hampton Roads crossings at the same time? That affected enough people and created enough of a public safety impact that VDOT felt compelled to apologize AND take corrective action.

Rather than dismiss VDOT’s (insert your own word here) by thanking them for doing the job they are supposed to do, I think it is time for the Gazette-Journal to do some investigative reporting to inform the public why VDOT operates the way it does. Perhaps, then so informed, the public can bring pressure to bear on its elected officials to influence how the Department plans for such projects in the future.

William H. Ashton Jr.

North, Va.

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