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Letter: Who decides what is a ‘fair share’

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I appreciate Mr. Letizia’s letter to the editor (“Proof of WIC support,” May 29 Reader’s Write), and I greatly respect him for living within his means in not accepting the WIC benefits for which his family qualifies. (Would that our national government act likewise, but that’s a different topic.)
I said from the start that our teachers and school staff do indeed deserve raises. My main point was that the school budget has gone forward for many years, being passed without question or meaningful scrutiny. Such a paradigm naturally breeds wastefulness, duplication and a top-heavy bureaucracy. My surmise is that a carefully scrubbed school budget would yield potentially substantial savings that could then be passed on to the teaching and support staff.
Overall, I would like very much to see a new approach to all of Gloucester boards’ and departments’ annual budgets, wherein each comprises a prioritized listing of all propos...

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