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Letter: Where is the money?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

For the past six months or more, our county administrator and five members of the Gloucester Board of Supervisors have urged us to incur a large $35 million debt in order to build a new firehouse, make upgrades to another and upgrade the school system, even though, they tell us, that the money for this is already in the bank. But borrowed money would also be spent on improvements to existing parks (bathrooms, lights and miscellaneous) and waterfront facilities.

We voted down the referendum. We were told the new firehouse could still be built since the money for it was “already in the bank.” All other improvements should still be built because it would be more economical to improve now rather than in upcoming years.

Now we are told there is no money for a new firehouse, or improvements for schools. What?! Say that again? No money set aside as we have been lectured on these past months? Where did it go? I say it is time to audit the books using an outsi...

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