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Letter: What have we done to our military?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
While in Washington recently I attended a military conference and learned that, annually, more U.S. military personnel die from suicide than are killed on the battlefield. Part of that terrible statistic is due to the daily mixed messages our brave servicemen and women receive from the mainstream media, our incompetent president, and his clueless majority in Congress.
What thoughts go through the minds of the hundreds of patriotic men and women just moments before they choose to end their often young and precious lives?
“Why am I risking my life, and the lives of my buddies, when my own government doesn’t fully support my efforts?”
“Without a clear mandate from my Commander-in-Chief to win our wars, using everything available to do so, I’m just here waiting my turn to get shot or blown up at any moment.”
“Informing my enemy that we are going to pull out on a certain date, regardless of the outcome, gives them the winning edge to just wait us out and take over t...

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