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Letter: We’re being played

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

In response to Tim Sadler’s “Trump: A great president” (Aug. 2 Readers Write), I found myself asking re: MAGA, weren’t we great before the last election?

Oh, where to begin?

How about 45’s selection of corrupt, completely unqualified cabinet members? Want examples? [Education secretary Betsy] DeVos and [former EPA administrator Scott] Pruitt are two that come to mind. That wonderful tax/”jobs” bill”: I don’t know about Mr. Sadler’s portfolio, but my little IRA has dropped in value over $4,000 in the last six months, and it is well diversified too!

Almost immediately after DJT met with Kim, the North Koreans put their nuclear weapons program back into operation big time. He got played, and came home crowing that our nuclear attack fears were over! Months later, he was sucking up to our other enemy, Russia, meeting (in private) with Putin for two hours, again returning home, saying Putin denied invol...

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