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Letter: We must stop the abuse of our borders

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Our Constitution made citizenship automatic for children born in America, to parents of another country. For decades this has worked well, but now this blessing has been repeatedly abused, the laws of our country ignored, and even many illegals demanding that we change our Constitution in their favor!

Within our government, there are officials who work hard at making an end-run around the Constitution one day and then try to use it to their advantage another. For every law we have, they will find a sob story to fit any argument they wish to win, but the truth is they only want the votes that would come if they gave citizenship to the thousands of illegals here now and growing every day.

"We the People" refers to those who are citizens, and if we don’t stop the abuse of our borders, the words will be worthless. The amendment being proposed to our Constitution is correct in that it will preserve the Founders’ intention while stemming...

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