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Letter: Walls for Comm. Attorney

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

In two weeks, the citizens of Mathews County will have the opportunity to choose their next Commonwealth’s Attorney. The right person for the job is without question Marie Walls.

In the years that we’ve known Marie, she has been a powerful voice for victims of crime through her prosecution of cases of all types—from thefts from small businesses to the most complex homicides and horrible crimes against children.

Working alongside her in different capacities in the criminal justice system, we’ve seen Marie put the full force of her 20-plus years of prosecutorial experience into every case she handles. Marie has successfully prosecuted cases in large cities and in small counties, and she knows the importance of listening to the citizens that she protects and doing right by them. She brings a long history of successful prosecutorial experience, which is essential in Mathews where one prosecutor is responsible for overseeing every case and being an effecti...

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