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Letter: Wake up, America!

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
There is a thickly woven net of safeguards for those in our society who are financially challenged. Recently on national TV I heard a legal immigrant to the U.S. say that one reason that he and people all over the world want to be in the U.S. is because in their own countries the poor are gaunt and skinny. Here in the U.S., he said, the poor have homes with electricity, running clean water, cars, TV, furniture and they are so fat they get diabetes and heart disease and have to diet!
Then he asked who wouldn’t want to live here? He is right. As a nation, we are especially careful to provide food and assistance including housing and even TV, and cell phone service with Chinese phones which feature internet “hotspot” capability.
So, it is with this in mind I respectfully disagree with your editorial opinion that the nation needs to add a universal internet services to the panoply of benefits we already supply for the income- or work-challenged in our society (“The...

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