Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The past primary election should have been a revelation to the local voting citizens of Gloucester County. The county registrar said "turnout was wonderful, I am very grateful to the voters of Gloucester County." Four thousand out of 25,000+ registered voters, or 16 percent, cast a ballot.
The voters appear to have forgotten what they have learned in their civics and history classes during their school years. Eighty-four percent of the voters never voted, a signal to those in office and seeking office that the road to victory is almost assured.
Those who have the desire to change our system are always working to have selected individuals voted into our governing positions so when the day arrives where the "ISM’s" of their belief will be accomplished they are in place. Those "ISM’s" are communism, fascism, Marxism and socialism.
Many of our citizens, past and present, have served in our military to ensure our freedom will always be there; s...
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