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Letter: Vote. Your future depends on it.

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I served on the Gloucester County Electoral Board for three years. Until then, I had no idea what went into making an election run. I was astounded at all the checks and balances, including the logic and accuracy tests of the Dominion tabulators with representatives of each party present. It happens before every election.
I am also amazed at the dedication of citizen election officials. They are your friends and neighbors representing both parties and independent voters. They, and election professionals across Virginia and the country, are a line of defense for democracy by insuring free and fair elections. When you vote, show them appreciation. These folks are being harassed, threatened and intimidated due to election lies spread across the country. That is just wrong and criminal.
A strategy of lies and misinformation undermining the foundation of our democracy should never be accepted as truth. A group of unscrupulous politicians, businessmen and former mili...

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