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Letter: Vote ‘Yes’ on referendum

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I am writing to express my support for the bond referendum aimed at improving our schools, parks, athletic fields, and fire and rescue facilities in Gloucester County. I believe that these investments are crucial to the well-being and future of our community.

Our schools are the heart of Gloucester, and investing in them is an investment in our children’s education. Up-to-date facilities and resources are essential for providing our students with the best possible learning environment. This bond will ensure that our schools are equipped to meet the educational needs of our children and prepare them for a successful future.

Additionally, our parks and athletic fields play a significant role in promoting healthy lifestyles and community engagement. Well-maintained recreational spaces not only benefit the physical and mental health of our residents but also foster a sense of togetherness and community pride. Investing in these areas will make Gloucester ...

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