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Letter: Vote ‘Yes’ on referendum

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I write in support of the bond referendum on Gloucester’s Nov. 7 election ballot.

As someone who has long supported our Gloucester and Abingdon Fire and Rescue Companies, I can tell you that your firefighters and medics need a new station on Main Street and a new bunkhouse area at Abingdon.

Among several reasons to construct a new fire station, Station 1 does not meet today’s environmental and disease control standards meant to protect the health of first responders. There is inadequate distance between decontamination areas from living areas. Station 1 cannot accommodate today’s fire engines and ambulances, which are larger and far more specialized than the vehicles of 72 years ago. And, unlike the traditional open dormitory type areas, today’s Gloucester and Abingdon fire companies require a higher level of privacy as they have a large contingent of dedicated female firefighters and medics.

If the referendum passes, the county would break ground ...

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