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Letter: Vote Post, Baker, Seabolt, Nash and Engquist

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Elections offer opportunities to evaluate candidates on their transparency, vision and dedication to the community. It’s been enlightening to see the stark contrasts in this school board race. Darren Post, Jenn Baker, David Seabolt, Matthew Nash and Ted Engquist have made a commendable effort to share their intentions, plans and values with Gloucester residents.

From the very beginning of their campaigns, this group has provided us with a clear understanding of their positions. Their message hasn’t just been about what they stand for, but also about their deep commitment to making Gloucester schools the best they can be for our students. Their consistency and openness have shown a level of transparency that is not only commendable but necessary for public trust.

In contrast, it’s puzzling to witness the silence from their opponents. Weeks into the campaign and we are yet to understand their viewpoints on critical issues. It’s unsettling to imagine ele...

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