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Letter: Vote for desired change

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
This is an open letter to some of our young Mathews County citizens. They were protesting by the monument and Hardee’s on May 26—with their signs and attention-getting dancing. They were employees and friends of the popular Hole in the Wall restaurant. One of their signs read: “Board of Supervisors—What is Your Agenda?” I now ask the same question.
I walked across the street to talk with the young people. I asked “How many of you voted in our last election?” Two or three hands went up. “How many of you were old enough to vote?” Most hands went up. I allowed as how some of us worked hard to keep the two people they were protesting against off our board of supervisors, we didn’t succeed. My suggestion to them: attend the board of supervisors’ meeting, register to vote … in other words, get really involved. Maybe you will get the changes you need.
From the beginning, and well before our last elections, these particular people had an ongoing agenda. You heard it at...

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