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Letter: Virginia can do better

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
During my daily travels I have noticed more and more fields with horses. They are enjoyed by the young and not-so-young alike. Some have nice looking new barns for shelter.
I am a dog lover, and my husband and I have taken in many in need of a good home. My only experience with a horse was the one my Pop had when I was a child. This horse was well cared for with a barn to protect her from the elements. My Dad had cattle for years, and they had shelter.
I have seen some horses that I am truly concerned for. I do not see any shelter there to shield them from heavy rain or cold temperatures and wind.
I called and asked to speak with the Mathews County animal control officer. When he returned my call, I voiced my concerns. He told me that there is no law in Virginia requiring that livestock be provided with shelter. He said that he was sorry.
In 2016, it is hard to fathom the reasoning behind such thinking on the part of our lawmakers. Does a horse have feelings? O...

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