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Letter: Tyranny in the form of executive orders

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Thomas Jefferson: “Upon the altar of God I pledge my eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Jefferson didn’t appear to be dedicated to God, but he did know that God is real and that He gave us our freedom to choose to do what is right or wrong, with His word as our guide.
What we have in our government today is too close to the tyranny Jefferson was talking about. Politically-correct speech, schools with educators that intimidate students to prevent prayer, and even try to re-write our history to fit what educators want students to believe. The Founders of America were wise and knew there would be challenges to the nation they built, but they believed that citizens who could read, talk with each other, and thereby understand the Constitution, would be prepared and able to overcome the challenges.
Well, this tyranny is happening now with a president that demands his way and when he doesn’t get it uses execu...

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