Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Thanks to Rep. Wittman, Morgan Moss and everyone involved in pulling off the Oct. 27 meeting in Hudgins on aids to navigation.
The Coast Guard’s decision to cut down channel markers in Mathews County is not about government funding, politics, or fundamental safety issues. It is about the USCG.
They never learned to run the Hole-in-the-Wall channel in small boats when heavily laden commercial fishing boats run it every day at high speed. They never went into Queens Creek to mark a simple shoal intrusion between two markers.
Now that they have caused damage and cost to repair, we should not fix their mistakes with our money and give them the keys back to maintain these channels with increased budgets.
The buoy division at Milford Haven should have all its assets and station space conveyed over to Mathews County by the feds.
Mathews citizens run volunteer fire and rescue units; we can run a channel maintenance unit. The salaries of the serv...
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