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Letter: Trump and the military

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am a proud veteran of 32 years in the Navy and Navy Reserve. My father was a Marine who fought in WWI and WWII. Duty and honor run deep in our military. I cannot help but to reflect on the recent Memorial Day and the 80th anniversary of D-Day, on the concept of duty and honor and on who may be our next Commander and Chief.
The contrast between D-Day celebrations of victory over Germany’s Third Reich and Donald Trump’s campaign video calling for a “Unified Reich” [AP News, May 21] is deeply disturbing. Donald Trump has mocked military service his whole life [Foreign Policy] and has disregarded the sacrifices so many of us have made. It started in the 1960s when his father helped him dodge Vietnam with a fake bone spur diagnosis. [Military Times] Since then Trump has continually insulted our military while this behavior is a matter of public record, here are a few examples:
Trump called soldiers who died for the U.S. “losers” and “suckers” and refused to visit ...

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